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Why do I need a home warranty?

A home warranty is a plan to help cover the expense of repairing or
replacing appliances and home systems when they break down
due to normal, everyday use.
A home warranty is a plan to help cover the expense of repairing or replacing appliances and home systems when they break down due to normal, everyday use.


Benefits of a home warranty:

  • Helps save money
  • Covers the things that homeowners insurance does not
  • Worry less about breakdowns and repairs
  • Age of appliances does not matter
  • Repairs backed by our 180-day workmanship guarantee
    on all covered repairs

Why do I need a home warranty?

A home warranty is a plan to help cover the expense of repairing or
replacing appliances and home systems when they break down
due to normal, everyday use.
A home warranty is a plan to help cover the expense of repairing or replacing appliances and home systems when they break down due to normal, everyday use.


Benefits of a home warranty:

  • Helps save money
  • Covers the things that homeowners insurance does not
  • Worry less about breakdowns and repairs
  • Age of appliances does not matter
  • Repairs backed by our 180-day workmanship guarantee
    on all covered repairs

How does a home warranty work?

Choose the best annual plan to fit your budget

We offer 3 different home warranty plans. Choose the one that best meets your budget and coverage needs. See plans below.

Request service anytime you need it

When a covered appliance or system breaks down, request service anytime online. Our customer service is available 24/7, including holidays and weekends.

We'll send out the experts

We match your repair request with a vetted service technician from our network of more than 18,000 professionals.

We get you back up and running quickly

Your family depends on your home's major appliances and systems. That's why your home repair is our top priority.

Our favorite customer reviews

Our favorite
customer reviews


Gives us peace of mind

"Cinch has been very good. They come out right away. Generally, they schedule a service when it's convenient for us, and the technicians we've had have been very nice. Having the home warranty program gives us peace of mind. We got it when we bought a new refrigerator. And in the first year, the compressor went out."


Informational, excellent and knowledgable

"When I call Cinch, they've all been informational, excellent and knowledgeable. The gentlemen that came out for our washing machine, Chris, was very knowledgeable. So far, they're on time, very easy to contact, schedule and very knowledgeable on what they do. I'm very happy with my experience with Cinch."
